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Charges Filed in Breaking and Entering, Pursuits, and Land Search Incident

MOORESVILLE, NC – On Thursday, June 6, 2024, Mooresville Police Department (MPD) took

three suspects into custody after a pursuit and land search following reports of vehicle breaking

and entering.

The suspects have now been linked to over 70 motor vehicle breaking and enterings, and the

Mooresville Police is working closely with the Iredell County District Attorney’s Office to

appropriately charge and hold accountable the following individuals.

Ryshard Malachi Wingate, 20, of Albemarle has been charged with 11 counts of (F) Breaking or

Entering a Motor Vehicle, (F) Conspiracy, (F) Possessing Stolen Goods, (M) Carrying a

Concealed Gun, and (M) Possession of Marijuana. Wingate received a $100,000 secured bond

and has additional charges pending.

Jalen Keyshawn Sanders, 20, of Charlotte has been charged with 13 counts of (F) Breaking or

Entering a Motor Vehicle, and (F) Conspiracy. Sanders received a $120,000 secured bond and

has additional charges pending.

Jayquan Keyshawn Curry, 21, of Charlotte has been charged with 11 counts of (F) Breaking or

Entering a Motor Vehicle, (F) Conspiracy, (F) Larceny of Motor Vehicle, two counts of (F)

Larceny of Firearm, (F) Possessing Stolen Goods, and (F) Flee/Elude Arrest with a Motor

Vehicle. Curry received a $195,000 secured bond and has additional charges pending.

Tywon Antwain Tilman, 19, of Charlotte has been charged with 11 counts of (F) Breaking or

Entering a Motor Vehicle, (F) Conspiracy, two counts of (F) Larceny of Motor Vehicle, two

counts of (F) Larceny of Firearm, and (F) Possessing Stolen Goods. Tilman received a $100,000

secured bond and has additional charges pending.