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Mooresville Man Charged with Statutory Rape of a Child

                                                            Erick Mauricio Guevara

MOORESVILLE, NC – On July 16, 2024, Mooresville Police Department (MPD) received a
report of a possible sexual assault on a 13-year-old female victim. MPD Officers responded and spoke with the minor’s parents and learned that there was possible inappropriate conduct
between the victim and an adult neighbor.
The suspect was identified, and he was interviewed by a MPD Detective. During the interview, the suspect admitted to allowing the victim to come to his residence where he provided the
victim with marijuana and had sexual intercourse with her. The suspect also stated that he was aware the victim was underage.
The suspect, Erick Mauricio Guevara, 27 of Mooresville, was arrested and charged with (F)
Statutory Rape of a Child Under 15 Years of Age and (M) Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor. Guevara was taken before the Magistrate and placed in the Iredell County Detention Center under no bond pending an initial court appearance.